Monday 14 August 2023

Independence Day and the Feast of Assumption of Mary

Saha Navavatu, saha nau Bhunaktu | Saha Viiryam Karavaavahai | Tejasvi Naavadhiitamastu Maa Vidvissaavahai | The purport of this mantra is, let there be no animosity amongst us. Conversely, let us live together, eat together, work together and together let us prosper. How incredible are these words that speak of communion and unity!?

Today we are having two historical celebrations: 77th Independence Day and the feast of the Assumption of Mother Mary. The first is political and the second is spiritual.

Today’s first reading calls for introspection on this auspicious day. The woman in birth pangs and delivering the baby amidst the great danger of the dragon’s destruction points out the situation that we are living today.

Though we look ahead confidently with optimism, the signs of our times are very much disturbing and depressing. On the political front, we experience much turmoil and upheavals. For days together, Manipur was burning and the parliamentary proceedings were disturbing. What a colossal drama! Violence and crime are the order of the day. Justice is being denied to innocent victims. Despite several welfare schemes, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening ever more. The economic scenario is much alarming and afflicting the aam aadmi. The prices of essential commodities are skyrocketing, think of tomato price, thus depriving the common man/woman of one square meal a day. The job seekers have to pay a heavy price; merit and competence are totally and conveniently ignored. Their cry is growing louder. Social unrest is on the increase. The underprivileged sections of the people are the targets of the powerful. The enforcement authorities seem helpless to put an end to atrocities, assaults, crimes, murders, gang rapes, human trafficking, drug peddling, strikes and scams. They fail to ensure peaceful and fraternal living. On the other side, we come across peoples and organisations striving for peace, progress and prosperity in the country. Right from the early days, they made concerted efforts to combat social evils prevailing in the country. Advances in science and technology have made great strides in agricultural, industrial, education, health, space and communication sectors, thanks to the ingenuity of great Indians. This augurs well for the future.

Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary

Today the Church is celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of BVM. Pope Pius XII defined it in 1950 in his apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus as follows, “We proclaim and define it to be a dogma revealed by God that the immaculate Mother of God, Mary ever virgin when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven.” It is a dogma built on the Immaculate Conception of Mary, which declared (1854) that Mary was conceived free from original sin, and both have their foundation in the concept of Mary as the Mother of God. It leaves open the question of whether Mary died or whether she was raised to eternal life without bodily death.

A question we need to reflect on here is, “Why was Mary Assumed into Heaven?”

1. She was chosen by God. Therefore, she is a privileged one.

2. She shares the fullness of redemption of God. Christ is the first fruit of redemption and Mary is the fulfilment of the promise of redemption.

3. Testimony of the Lord that Mary is the Chosen one of God.

a. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth greeted Mary, “Blessed are you among women and Blessed is the fruit of your womb.” God’s testimony through the angel Gabriel.

b. The Mother of my Lord comes to me

4. God chose this mother to be the mother of Jesus. Angel, “Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with you.” The class-teacher reads the letter of the principal addressing the students through a letter. It is the principal’s voice.

5. Mary was continuously present in Son’s mission. She was accompanying God in unravelling the divine plan.

6. Mary also shares/partakes in the work of redemption/liberation. In as much as Jesus is holy, Mary is also holy, just as an iron piece placed near a magnet, becomes a magnet. Mary carried Jesus, the Son of God in her womb and so she became like Christ also. After Jesus’ life on the earth, he was taken up into heaven and so too Mary.

7. Glorification of her total personality and anticipated the state of promised rest of humankind.

The Message for us

1. She is a Mother, mother of Jesus and mother of Humanity: A mother in any situation will never forsake her child. She understands the situation. How far do we understand the situation around us and act according to the need?

2. We share in the fullness of redemption: Mary became Christ-like in her continual accompaniment in her son’s mission work and thus brings liberation. How far do we accompany our own fellow brothers and sisters in the mission of integral welfare? E.g helping someone in need. In what sense do we perform?

3. Love your mother: Mother understands her children. Do we understand our Mother? Mary is our mother. The nation is our mother. The earth is our mother. If you love, you will take care. Just see your own rooms. How clean and orderly they are! How clean is our campus or surrounding?

Like Mary, we are called to give birth to values of justice, equality, peace and harmony. But these values are surrounded by forces of evil. But we should not be afraid of fostering values even if it costs our life. Our courageously performed virtuous work towards social welfare will turn hatred into love, powerful into powerless, hungry with a stomach full, etc. Therefore, let’s work for a fear-free, loving and prosperous country.

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः 
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । 
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु 
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् । 
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

May All be Happy, 
May All be Free from Illness, 
May All See what is Auspicious, 
May no one Suffer, 
Let there be Peace.

Fr. Raju Felix Crasta


Anonymous said...

Well done 👍👍👍

Anonymous said...

Good inspiring thoughts and insights. Thank you