Thursday 27 July 2023

Multitasking for an Effective Workspace

Performing ‘one task at a time’ is natural to human beings. It is because the human brain is not designed to handle multiple tasks at a time. However, performing more than one task simultaneously is very much demanded in a given situation, place and time. For example, a working woman who is also a mother of a toddler needs to perform her household chores, babysitting and at the same time do her office duties every day. In a given situation, an employee needs to balance oneself amongst employers, colleagues, customers, and one’s personal needs. Therefore, though it is against the very nature of the human brain, one has to do multitasking. Multitasking is the concept that one can split one’s attention on more than a task or activity simultaneously, that is, one can prioritize and organize one’s work to balance multiple tasks at the same time. If the person possesses multitasking skills, can achieve better results within the given deadline. Today, multinational companies prefer their employees to have multiple skills and talents.

One of the main complaints in every institution – private or public – is that their employees do not perform or contribute effectively. Oftentimes, the problem is not with the employees, but with the employers. The employers lack clear goals and tasks to be accomplished. This applies to individuals or families also.

1. Plan for yourself into long-term and short-term goals. Along with this, also plan how much is to be accomplished within the given month/s or week and even, on a day. If anyone asks a student who has topped the university or the board examination, the obvious answer will be, “I planned my studies.” There are different subjects the student needs to prepare within a short duration. This is possible only if the student prepares to multitask.

2. Monitoring is another essential aspect. Reporting periodically is part of monitoring. A mere reporting from the employees’ side is not sufficient, instead, the employer must personally oversee the given work. In many places, the employer looks only for the result and not the actual process of the work and the intricacies involved. This is inefficient monitoring. This goes along with building an effective relationship to enhance the work. Further, a periodic bonus or encouragement enhances productivity. In a family too, parents must monitor, guide and direct their children for their well-being. 

3. Creating an atmosphere conducive to work is another task. Merely entrusting the duty without providing the needed atmosphere and tools disrupts productivity. 

4. Prioritizing tasks is as important as performing them. This applies to both the employer and the employee. The employer has entrusted a block of work to be accomplished in a given time. But the employee has to prioritize them into smaller swallowable chunks. Make a list of works to be performed or make a to-do list. And tick the work to be done when, how, where, whom, etc. Try to combine specific possible works. When a clear plan is put on paper, then can see the works that can be performed in an easier way or can club them together. 

5. Regular breaks and relaxations optimize performance. The advent of the industrial revolution equalled human beings to a machine. But humans are much more than that. They require not just physical rest but also mental, intellectual, emotional and affective well-being. Therefore, it is the first and foremost duty of the employer to create a familial atmosphere at the workplace, however, the professional company that be. The place that becomes a ‘second home,’ the productivity increases. Add to this, the person needs to relax and rejuvenate periodically to refresh one’s mind and body. In Japan, there is something called “inemuri,” which is nothing but “a culturally accepted power nap that you can take in the middle of the workday.” This is not to say that we need to introduce a ‘siesta break’ in our system, but a sip of coffee, or a short walk, would be sufficient during a stipulated work. Healthy and timely food is another vital component. If one observes just outside the call centres and multinational companies, there will be several people sipping tea along with smoking cigarettes. The reasons cited are, ‘relaxing, freeing tension, etc.’ How healthy they are!? The people working in most of companies suffer from various ailments due to unhygienic and untimely food and rest. Add to the list, is a long relaxation in a year, say, going out for a ‘family picnic’ or a boat ride helps a lot. Along with it, spiritual renewal in a year relaxes one’s mind and body.


Philosophically speaking, we are in fact multi-switching the moment we think about multi-tasking. The mind is a fantastic component which can divert its attention from one thing to another. The fast-changing technological world demands multitasking, and we, human beings move along with it. We cannot remain idle in the present era. The only thing in our capacity is to learn the art of multitasking to cope with the world effectively. It is better to be organized than to be distracted.


Fr. Raju Felix Crasta

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good insight thank you