Sunday 13 December 2020


The angels sang the all-time favourite song, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men” (Lk 2:14). There cannot be a better expression than this to greet at this Nativity of Our Lord in a meaningful way than this. The Covid pandemic has toppled the whole world in every field, beginning from the immediate necessities like one’s shelter, food, covering, economy or the remote necessities like culture, religion, polity and what not! 

In as much as there are reasons to be worried about things said above, there are more reasons to be hopeful and cheerful in life. The good news is that God does not abandon the creation and more so His own image. He endowed humans with intellect and will “to till and keep” (Gen 2:16) the creation. The birth of technology or the reasoning assists God to carry out His compassion. Human reasoning has succeeded in getting the vaccine for the Covid and therefore there is a reason to rejoice in spite of the pandemonium. 

Yet again, there is a reason to rejoice at this time for the hope re-established in humanity. When the world was broken apart, torn by the disease and the confusion it created there were hundreds of people of goodwill voluntarily sacrificed their todays for the tomorrows of numberless fellow humans. How many acts of generosity, comradeship, accommodation, and selfless sacrifices have we witnessed this year! Indeed it was a year of grace and blessing that this pandemic taught the world, “Family that eats, prays and lives together stays together.” In many of us, broken bonds have healed, lost memories got refreshed, the loneliness of the elderly got cancelled, parents witnessed vertical growth of their children, fathers took upon the roles of mothers and mothers of the fathers. We also have witnessed an increased number of innovations, technological growth, organic farming and more such research related growth. 

The time of Jesus’ birth was not less than a troubled time. Poverty, slavery, bonded labour, sickness, political crisis, false and wrong teachings, backwardness in education, several socio-economic troubles were very much part of the daily life of people. Christ’s incarnation brought a revolution. It gave ‘a New Way’ or a reason to live a better life. Self-less service, charity, compassion, and forgiveness became the benchmark of this way of life since then and is still making the lives of people divine. 

Therefore, Jesus is the reason for the season. Just as the incarnation of Jesus at Bethlehem brought new meaning to every section of the society, so too, it brings new hope, joy and peace to every person of goodwill in today’s suffering world. Let this year of Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ bring new rays of hope to those who lost their security, safety and jobs; who estranged their relationships over certain issues; those who are shattered of their plans and dreams; who lost their loved ones; and who are unable to get united with their family and friends. 

Wish you a grace-filled Christmas and a prosperous new year 2021. 

Dr. Fr. Raju Felix Crasta

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