Sunday 10 June 2018

Where are You?

God called Adam and asked, “Where are you?” Today, the same God calls each one of us by name and asks the same question, “Hey Joe, where are you? Hey Shanti, where are you?”

We search someone: when the person is not found where one should be; when not doing what should be doing, not available when should be available, when seen hiding whereas should have been visible and so on. We see people hiding behind trees, in the cosy environments, behind one’s own weakness, in the bars, shops and restaurants, and modernity and technology.

When someone spots us in our hiding place, we begin to blame others: he did this, he said that, he made me like this, he told us so, I am innocent, I did not do it, the system is wrong, I am not talented as the other, I am still a learner, it’s my weakness… 

Our hiding and blame game not only paralyses our own self, but also the society. Sin is rampant in our society. Our news portals reveal the dark side of effect of sin, affecting individuals and society, which we need not elaborate. Human achievements are so often flawed; we can build our towers to the heavens but they become Babel of confusion and races. 

What hope is there then for us? How long we can hide and blame others? 

We need to set our priorities right, put our Christian-ness on a steady track. Yes, we fail at times, have made mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. But can we accept it unconditionally and begin a life afresh? If yes, then we shall be able to come out from our hiding place. 

Fr. Raju Felix Crasta

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