Friday 14 April 2017

The Empty Tomb: Non-existence as Existence

Do not see Me where I am Not, see me where I am. When you see me there, you will be a different person.

Easter is crossing over. It is a crossing from one state of life to another. Symbolically, it is a crossing of the Red Sea (Sea of Reeds) from the land of Egypt (known to be bondage) to the land of liberty, the land flowing honey and milk, a land of prosperity, justice and peace. 

To understand this crossing over, we can consider a caterpillar eating the heavy stuff in the jungle and making its cocoon and after a period of time, comes out with a beautiful body, wings and flies around, pollinating the flowers, mesmerizing the children and assisting the plants to yield berries, drupes and fruits. The butterfly makes its presence felt. It is no more in the cocoon. The old life is a thing of the past and a new life has begun. Everyone hates the caterpillar, it is ugly, it is itchy, it is dangerous; but not the butterfly. Butterfly is a mystery revealed from the cocoon, it is a mesmerizing beauty to the poets, writers, children and the old. It is an inspiration to others to ‘become.’ 

Our past life is like a life of bondage in Egypt. It is a life of Babylonian captivity. It is a life of struggle in the desert, hungry, thirsty and tired. At times we felt, ‘God has forsaken us’ in our sojourn. We condemned our leaders who led us to the Promised Land. We doubted in our own inner beauty and strength. When we were thirsty for a drop of water, we fought wars with self and with each other. 

Then the days of life in the cocoon began. What were those forty days! The Lenten Days. Those were the days of fasting, penance, abstinence, prayer and reflection. 

One truth is learnt in these days for sure, as any motivational speakers who rightly say, “if I can today, I can tomorrow. If I can, I will. If I could in these forty days, I will in the next coming forty years.” Yes. Many of us were fasting from ill-speaking, back-biting, violence, destruction, lies, hatred, jealousy, avarice and the list goes on and on. Many were trying to overcome their addictions, addictions alcohol, drugs, sex, internet, pornography, whatsapp, facebook and what not! Many were atoning for their past sins and karmas. Many were practicing the virtues of service, benevolence, mercy and charity. For such people, Jesus has risen today. He has strengthened them for the last forty days and is continuing to strengthen now. If they have succeeded in the last forty days, they will succeed in the coming forty years as well. Change is possible. New life is possible. Resurrection is possible. Acche din possible. 

This does not mean that there will not be difficulties and problems in the future life. The fact that I have begun to live a resurrected life, is the fact that I am ready for the struggle within. But now the same struggle is with a positive approach and not with a negative, depressed and pessimism. The butterfly has to face the world. It has to face the bigger animals of which the prey it is. But now it is not afraid to face the reality. It lives till its last breath giving life to others, pollinating the flowers, cheering the children of the creation, and thus bearing a witness to the world. St. Stephan did it, St. Paul did it and many other eminent saints of the list. Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhiji, Oscar Romero, Rani Maria, A.T. Thomas, Graham Stains and their children and many more such people have done it in front of our eyes. If they have done, why can’t I?

Resurrection is Jesus becoming alive. He is truly resurrected. He will die no more. His presence cannot be reduced to the pages of the Bible or a statue in a church, or limited to the tabernacle in the church, institutions and building. He is no more confined to the limited space of our selfish desires. He is a living reality. We can encounter and discover him in the midst of our lives through the eyes of faith - in all our problems, struggles, crises, challenges, worries, dilemmas, difficulties, calamities, trials, risks, struggles, joys and sorrows, disappointments and frustrations. Because he lives, we can experience his peace in the midst of our disturbed and anxious minds, his providence in our deprivation, his support in our weakness and his outstretched arms in our faults, falls and failures.

Today the resurrected Jesus has to be seen not in the tomb where He was laid to rest. He is to be seen in the living people. He is that same Jesus in the farmer tilling the land in the remote village with the seeds of hope. He is seen amongst the slum dwellers who struggle for an inch of land and morsel of bread. He is seen in every mother struggling to feed her young one. 

He is seen in the hospitals in the nurses and doctors giving life to the patients. He is the same Jesus who is carrying the discarded foetus from our backyards and dustbins and nurture them with motherly care. He is the same resurrected Jesus in the old-age homes taking care of the chased out fathers and mothers from their homes. He is the same resurrected Jesus in the schools and colleges holding the hands of the tiny tots and teaching them the values of life. 

Jesus has Risen. I have seen him. I have witnessed his acts. I have seen his empty tomb. I also have seen his glory on the earth. Therefore, I have made a firm resolution in life that I will carry and witness this resurrected Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life to people around. 

Fr. Raju Felix Crasta


Unknown said...

Beautiful! God bless you.

Flossy Molly Lobo said...

Thanks for the reflections. Wish you a fruitful celebration of this grace-filled Mystery of the Resurrection.

Unknown said...

Thanks.It highlights the core of Easter, a crossing over wit Risen Christ from the Past Bondages to new horizons of hope and liberty.It also challenges us to go through our same struggles of day today lives with optimism. Indeed, a good reflection on Easter.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your insightful reflections on Easter. Fr Maxim

Anonymous said...

Very beautifully brought out. If only we made it a reality of our lives, we will have heaven on earth. Thanks and God bless you. Have a wonderful Easter. .. Sr. Miriam.

Br. Sahaya Juhin said...

Wow, wonderfully elaborated, Very much related to the reality, Well reflected. Congratulations dear fr.